Tradición y Vanguardia

Construcción de infraestructura

Puentes, vías terrestres y obras públicas

Constructora EUNICE, S.A. de C.V.

Construcción de vías terrestres, obras de infraestructura vial urbanas, puentes vehiculares y peatonales, así como todo lo relacionado con la ingeniería civil.

Con más de 40 años de experiencia, la cual brinda seguridad al cliente en el cumplimento del trabajo contratado. Además, contamos con colaboradores experimentados y maquinaria especializada.
Kilómetros construidos
+ 0
Obras realizadas
+ 0
Puentes construidos
+ 0
Certificaciones obtenidas
Estados Eunice

Empresa LIDER en su ramo

Construcción de vías terrestres
CrossFit workouts are comprised of constantly varied functional movements.
Modernización de vías terrestres

Forearm strength may be one of the most overlooked necessities in holding a handstand.

Conservación de infraestructura vial
Making the decision to join a gym is a great first step towards improving your health
Conservación de infraestructura vial
Tratamientos Superficiales
Tratamientos Superficiales
Puentes y Distribuidores vehiculares
Puentes Peatonales
Estabilización de taludes
Renta de maquinaria especializada

República Mexicana

Plantas de Asfalto
Producción y venta de carpeta.
*Ubicación sujeta a disponibilidad por obras.
Plantas de Asfalto
Producción y venta de carpeta.
*Ubicación sujeta a disponibilidad por obras.

Detección y Atención oportuna

Mezclas asfálticas con diseño Marshall

Making the decision to join a gym is a great first step towards improving your health and quality of life. For over 10 years, Cross Zone has been dedicated to giving people a great fitness experience while helping people of all fitness levels reach their goals.

Mezclas asfálticas con diseño Protocolo AMAAC

Making the decision to join a gym is a great first step towards improving your health and quality of life. For over 10 years, Cross Zone has been dedicated to giving people a great fitness experience while helping people of all fitness levels reach their goals.

Sellos premezclados

Making the decision to join a gym is a great first step towards improving your health and quality of life. For over 10 years, Cross Zone has been dedicated to giving people a great fitness experience while helping people of all fitness levels reach their goals.

Mezclas tipo SMA

Making the decision to join a gym is a great first step towards improving your health and quality of life. For over 10 years, Cross Zone has been dedicated to giving people a great fitness experience while helping people of all fitness levels reach their goals.

Diseños especiales

Making the decision to join a gym is a great first step towards improving your health and quality of life. For over 10 years, Cross Zone has been dedicated to giving people a great fitness experience while helping people of all fitness levels reach their goals.

Mezclas frías

Making the decision to join a gym is a great first step towards improving your health and quality of life. For over 10 years, Cross Zone has been dedicated to giving people a great fitness experience while helping people of all fitness levels reach their goals.

Base asfáltica

Making the decision to join a gym is a great first step towards improving your health and quality of life. For over 10 years, Cross Zone has been dedicated to giving people a great fitness experience while helping people of all fitness levels reach their goals.

Maquila de productos especiales

Making the decision to join a gym is a great first step towards improving your health and quality of life. For over 10 years, Cross Zone has been dedicated to giving people a great fitness experience while helping people of all fitness levels reach their goals.

Detección y Atención oportuna

Tradición y Vanguardia en la construcción

Proyectos realizados

Tradición y Vanguardia